Friday, June 7, 2013

Mystic to New York City

Noank Light House - where the Mystic River enters Long Island Sound
Leaving Mystic

High seas and bad weather kept us in Mystic until May 27. That was fine because we kept finding more stuff we couldn't live without to put on the boat and had several more dinners with friends and neighbors.

Good thing we have windshield wipers.

The weather service has a sense of humor. This is what our windshield looked like all day long even though they had predicted 1 -2 foot waves. It was like riding a bucking bronco.  We love Bonine.

Things calmed down as we made our way down the East River, past lower Manhattan and over to Liberty Landing Marina on the New Jersey side of New York Harbor.

View of new world Trade Center from Liberty Landing. 


Our friends, Carol and Neil Dempsey, met us at Liberty Landing and stayed with us all the way up the Hudson River and into Lake Champlain.

Lady Liberty as we departed NYC harbor .

Lower Manhattan as we head up the Hudson


  1. How exciting! It's really happening! Loved the pictures. Looking forward to more of your adventures. Have fun! Anne

  2. AwSOME! This is so cool to follow!! Safe tea els! Robin
